Wednesday 11 April 2012

Joining the Present Day Ministry of Christ on the Throne

If we think how important prayer is in our lives, there is no more significant truth than this: Prayer is the present day ministry of Our King, Lord Jesus Christ.

In this He still lives to serve the purposes of Our Father, Almighty God, as His Servant. Even though Jesus has been raised from death, transformed with a glorified body, has ascended into heaven from this physical realm on earth, and has been promoted to the throne of heaven, ruling over all things in heaven, the universe and on earth; He still carries out the ministry of intercession for the saints and for all those that turn to God, and in this He still lives out His role as "My Servant", as Isaiah calls Him prophetically, (that means the Servant of Jehovah.) Another way of seeing it is that Jesus is still the Servant King, the Servant of Our Father, to do His will, even though all the authority of the Kingdom of God has been given to Him.

So when we turn to pray, we are entering into partnership with Our Lord Jesus, to pray for others, to Our Father, and we are entering into the Ministry of the Servant King. Putting it another way, as the apostle writing to the Hebrews says, we are entering in to the throne room of grace to obtain mercy, and to find help in the time of need; we are coming alongside Jesus in His ministry of intercession. As we do this we are learning what it can be to reign with Christ Jesus by prayer!

It is common for people to be soft on themselves but to judge others harshly. It is also common for people to easily agree with accusations against others. As Christians we recognise the tricks of the devil, who is called the "Accuser of the brethren", to persuade us to condemn others and to turn our hearts against them. But we have a choice - to agree with the Accuser, or to agree with the Great Intercessor, Jesus, to pray for those who would offend us. No matter what people have done, we can come alongside Our Lord, King Jesus, and join Him in intercession for the mercy of God to be poured out on them, and for His grace to change them. This is one of the great privileges of a Christian's prayer.

We have yet to discover the amazing limits of this privilege of collaborating with Our Lord. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered the imagination of man, the things that God has prepared for those who love Him." wrote Paul the Apostle. And the very next verse in 1 Corinthians 2 says, " But God has revealed them unto us by His Spirit." And later, " We have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit Who is from God, that we may know the things that are given to us by God."

In this New Covenant era God has given to Christians the privilege of knowing things prophetically. Even when we do not know how to pray for things as we should, we find Holy Spirit comes alongside us to help us with intercession, sometimes with words, sometimes with scriptures or visions, and sometimes with groanings that we cannot escape. The best way to handle this is to pray in our heavenly language, the gift of praying in tongues, and if we do, we will often find an inspiration that helps us to pray. Often this inspiration takes us from one language to another as we pray in tongues. Paul writes that He prays for us according to the will of God, even when we don't know exactly how to pray! This partnership with Holy Spirit in our praying connects us directly with the mind of Christ in heaven, and with the will of the Father!

I have seen so many results of prayer like this that I have no doubt about it. And this exciting realm of prophetic prayer is open to any one of us Christ-lovers who want to learn more about prophetic prayer.