Friday 12 December 2014

Signposts to Revival in South Africa - Why I’m still so passionate about Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church

The Word of the Lord came.

On 19 December 1996 I went down on my knees in prayer and immediately I was in the spirit. I know this realm because I have entered it often, in prayer, or in worship, or in study and meditation, or walking down paths or malls with my Lord.

Immediately the voice of My Lord said,
The Lord will sovereignly move to make His people know His majesty and his holiness. There will be a sign in the heavens, by unseasonable weather and by a bright light in the dark sky, a sign that God has chosen to do a great work in this place.
“When you see these things, it will cause you to bow down and surrender to the sovereign acts of the Lord.”

The very next day the Cape Times Newspaper had a photograph of lightning striking the control tower at the Cape Town International airport, and the caption read, “Unseasonable thunder storm puts airport out of commission for two hours.”

That got my attention. A bright light in a dark sky, with unseasonable weather.

I wrote this down and gave it to the pastor of the church we were part of, and we waited to see the move. Yes, there was a small move of God in the church, but not what I expected from the prophetic word. I started praying into it.

A few weeks later there were runaway forest fires in the Helderberg valley behind Somerset West, the town where we were living. The smoke was so thick in the town that you could smell it in everything. One of those days the Cape Times had a front page colour photo of the sun trying to shine like an orange orb through the brown smoke which darkened the whole sky.

That day the caption said, “2000 firemen fail to control fires due to unseasonable winds.” A bright light in a dark sky, with unseasonable weather

I took that as encouragement to continue praying.

Our move to the Cape for Revival

It was the beginning of our second year in Cape Town. We had arrived in January ’96. Obedient to the word of Our Lord, I had handed over my leadership of the Zoé Christian Fellowship church in Florida, near Johannesburg, in November 1995. I had founded and pastored that prophetic church for thirteen years. I appointed two of my young friends, Andrew as pastor, and Nick as assistant pastor. They had walked with me for nearly seven years from their early youth and had grown from youth leadership to eldership within our more senior elders’ team, and then into five-fold ministry.

For three years Our Lord had been speaking to me about a transition for revival. I knew we would be moving on from Zoé but, being cautious to test these things, I left it “on the shelf” for the Lord to guide our steps. On our return from our holiday in the South Cape in January 1995, we drove from Plettenburg Bay over the hills through the Tsitsikama forest and saw the sunrise over the eastern horizon; then I heard the Lord say, “You will not return this way again.” And I knew that ’95 would be different.

It was during middle of that year that I received the clear impression that we should move to Cape Town to be part of the coming revival prophesied to start there. Many visions and prophecies have foretold that the fires of revival would start in the Cape and spread through the country. It was time to give up the leadership of the church and we moved to the Cape to be part of the coming revival.

A move to be in His will

And so, after a year in Somerset West we moved across to Fish Hoek to be nearer the church we attended. With these signs in the heavens I was encouraged to believe the Word of the Lord, and living on the west mountainside in the Fish Hoek valley became a haven for us in the difficult transition we would go through. In moving from Johannesburg to Cape Town we had paid a price of losing our home and financial resources. In March 1998 I would lose the job that I had taken to support us, and be thrust back into starting a business from scratch. And, eventually, in a few years, I would leave the international ministry team and network of churches that I had walked with for ten years.

In the Fish Hoek valley I began to see a phenomenon in the sky that I had not seen before. Every evening I would walk my dog before going to bed. One night in the sky I saw a halo around the moon. Somehow, there was a phenomenon in the air over the valley and the light was caught on the moisture in the air. The halo touched the mountains over Clovelly on the one side of the valley, and on the other side it touched Elsie’s Peak Mountain. I asked people if they had seen this before, and no-one had seen such a thing. This was the first of many times that I saw this phenomenon – a halo around the moon that seemed to nearly touch the earth. Even after we moved to Capri, to the north-west, overlooking the Noordhoek valley, I was encouraged several times by that sign in the sky, of a halo around the moon. I had come to see that this was a frequent encouragement as I finished my day with a prayer walk in the night, and many times saw this bright light in a dark sky.

Just living for Jesus makes war on the enemy

By now I realized that I was in a position of warfare by prayer and, with the lessons I had learned, I focused my prayer on the sixteen towns around the deep South Peninsula of Cape Town, asking for Our Lord to raise up houses of His presence in each town- where He would manifest His presence – in our homes and in His churches. I was impressed by Isaiah 4 v 5, that the Lord wants to cover our homes and our gatherings with His glory. He wanted no other covering on His people. I realized that just being in Fish Hoek, just by living here, I was an offence to Satan’s kingdom, and I prayed for His covering to manifest upon His people, to make their homes to be houses of His presence. All I had to do was to live here, pray for revival and serve God’s purposes in the things He gave me to do.

By 2000 I had withdrawn from the international ministry team and my involvement in the churches in that network. I felt that the Lord restrained me not to start a church publically so that I could avoid causing any strife or competition with my old friends in the ministry. Nevertheless we found that the Lord gave us a new group of friends that met together in a covenant hearted community that went on for about nine years.

Over the years I kept praying that Our Lord would raise up houses of His presence in the 16 towns from Muizenberg to Fish Hoek, to Simons Town, around to Scarborough, and to Kommetjie, Noordhoek and Hout Bay. And from year to year, I kept seeing the signs in the heavens which encouraged me to believe for revival in the deep South Cape Peninsula.

Angelic warfare

Early in 2008 our friend Jeremy had a vision of rain falling throughout the Fish Hoek and Noordhoek Valley into the hearts of the saints, followed by a vision of fire falling to stir up the saints & to spread like wildfire. We agreed to lay our hearts on the altar.

As a group we became concerned about the lack of victory as we began to intercede for a friend who was facing death due to a threatening pregnancy condition. Several of us went into travailing intercession – with groanings and praying in the spirit, as Holy Spirit helped us in praying through until we had a release of peace in our hearts.

The next morning there was a thunder storm around the Fish Hoek and Noordhoek area with lightning striking the sea on the Atlantic side and on the False Bay side, but there was no rain. This storm started at about 3 a.m. and our friend Joni was woken up by it, saw that there was no rain and she sms’d me, “What does it mean?” It was not the time for storms or rain –it was unseasonable.

The lightning carried on until after lunch that day, over the sea on both side of the peninsula, without rain in Fish Hoek, but I saw that there was rain over the Tygerberg Mountains. And there I saw that a fire had started on the Tygerberg mountain – probably lit by the lightning. A bright light in a dark sky, with unseasonable weather.

I asked the Lord about it and He showed me Psalm 18 where I understood He had released angelic warfare in response to prayer:

 Ps 18:6 In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry came before Him, even to His ears.
 7 Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken, because He was angry.
 8 Smoke went up from His nostrils, and devouring fire from His mouth; coals were kindled by it.
 9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down with darkness under His feet.
 10 And He rode upon a cherub, and flew; He flew upon the wings of the wind.
 11 He made darkness His secret place; His canopy around Him was dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.
 12 From the brightness before Him, His thick clouds passed with hailstones and coals of fire.
 13 The LORD thundered from heaven, and the Most High uttered His voice, Hailstones and coals of fire.
 14 He sent out His arrows and scattered the foe, lightnings in abundance, and He vanquished them.
 15 Then the channels of the sea were seen, the foundations of the world were uncovered at Your rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.
 16 He sent from above, He took me; He drew me out of many waters.
 17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me.

I believe that the Lord had dispatched angels to war on our behalf and we would see the results later. That day the Lord showed Vaughan that there were two spirits of death attacking our friend, and her husband had only to rebuke them in Jesus Name and they would leave. When he followed this advice she recovered dramatically and soon came home!

And, once again, the fire on the Tygerberg Mountain, was a Bright light, in a dark sky, with unseasonable weather!” And I continued to pray for revival in the South Peninsula.

Houses of His presence

During this time we began to have manifestation of Our Lord’s presence in several of our homes. Nicole was put down on the floor by Holy Spirit’s power. As she lay there she felt her limbs being manipulated and she began to be filled with the Spirit’s presence. At first she felt it was so painful, but she said, “More Lord. More Lord!” as she yielded to whatever He may want.

Then she had a vision of Our Lord Jesus standing over her, and He reached down and started to feed her, putting living bread into her mouth, she felt strengthened and after a long time under His ministry to her, she was a changed woman. I can honestly say that she came to our group the next weekend and shared from the truth that we are sons of God by faith with clear revelation that matched any apostolic ministry that I have heard on the subject.

On another occasion Marian was overcome by Holy Spirit’s presence and she was put down on the floor in her kitchen while baking. Her new baby was a few months old while she was on the floor for over half an hour. In that experience her spiritual sensitivity was so refreshed that she received visions that came to pass within days.

But the most remarkable was what happened at Brent & Joni’s house. That was the home our house church was meeting in on Sundays. One day Dawn was in the bank queue when Joni phoned her and said,
“The glory of the Lord is in in my kitchen like a mist!”
Dawn said, “I’m coming to see!”
On the way she phoned Shirley and told her about it. Shirley said she was coming too!

When they got there, they came into the room and felt the powerful presence and peace of the Lord immediately and basked in His glory! The Lord had shown that he wants to manifest in our homes and make them houses of His presence!

My baptism of fire.

In 2009 my wife Dawn was invited by her friend Christa from Johannesburg to go to a healing conference in Durban. It was for three days and I knew little about it, but I decided to take leave and go along to enjoy some fellowship there.

What a wonderful surprise it was. Randy Clark and the Global Awakening team were there, with Surprise Sithole from the Iris Ministry team, which is led by Heidi and Rolland Baker. From the very beginning I felt the presence of the Lord, and at the end of the first day I went forward for prayer and, without anyone touching me, I fell down under Holy Spirit’s power and shook for over 45 minutes.

I have experienced anointings of power before, and I have rarely fallen under the power of God, because I have learned to yield my spirit to be strengthened as well as to be obedient to Holy Spirit’s anointing and flow with His leading for healing. The Lord has done mighty miracles through me over the years, including raising two paralyzed people, healing near-blind eyes, cancer, back and limb joint problems, asthma and respiratory problems, miscarriages, barrenness, deafness, heart problems, doing many demonic deliverances and raising a child from death.

So I was familiar with Holy Spirit’s anointing of power for healing and miracles. But this was different.

It felt like an angel had taken hold of my right bicep and was squeezing it so that my arm, which was half under my head, was shaking my whole body. I couldn’t get up but I was wholly conscious and saying “Yes Lord,” over and over.

Without going into all of the detail of that experience and what I heard from My Lord, that experience was the beginning of revival for me. From that day, I experience the tongues of fire on the crown of my head every time I think or talk about the Lord, or about His Word, or what He is doing. That anointing grew on my head when I meditated in the morning, or when I worshipped alone or in the corporate gatherings and the anointing of fire came with an overflow that affected many people. It feels like a little gas fire, which bubbles and tickles my scalp! I went to the hairdresser and asked her to check if there was anything wrong with my scalp and she said there was nothing.

Torch bearers to light the fires

We started another meeting at our own home on Sunday evenings and people came from around the district to receive that anointing of fire. That idea began when Jacques and Karin came to visit. As we talked about my baptism of fire, Jacques said that he felt like a hot towel had been put across his shoulders. He felt it was a new mantle for anointing for service. As he said that Karin felt the fire on her and her spirit went into intercession as she was overcome by the Lord’s presence. We met with some friends the following weekend and that began a season of experiences in the new anointing. People came and received the fire and it changed their work places, they impacted the people that they met, and each week the testimonies were amazing!

One thing that happened to me was that I began to feel angels with me, sitting on my right and my left. When I was having my time of fellowship with the Lord early in the morning they were there. When I was driving to work and worshipping with the music in the car they were there. When I walked up Saint Georges Mall for my prayer walks at lunch time, they were there.

On one occasion the angel on my left took my hand to lead me around the corner where I hadn’t planned to go. So I went with it. I said, “Holy Spirit, this is weird! Please teach me how to do this.” And since then I have been learning new things in this new release in the spirit.

Wherever we went, this manifestation of fire would come, when we prayed for people for healing or just for blessing, the fire would come on them. Some amazing miracles happened at that time:

·         A lady with a degenerative spine was healed – after the x-rays showed that two vertebrae had degenerated.
·         A champion sky diver had twelve vertebrae injured when he collided with the tail-plane of the aircraft as his emergency parachute opened on exit. His sternum was broken and his kidneys collapsed. After prayer that there would be no paralysis, no complications and no after effects, he was sent home without an operation after only 5 days on pain killing medication which he came off after one week!
·         A farmer’s tomato crop was severely affected by cold weather in January. The tomato vines were full of fruit but it was not ripening for harvest. We went to walk through the tunnels to pray and then went to have coffee. After coffee we walked through the tunnels to see the tomatoes changing colour and in on hour we helped reap over 100 kg of tomatoes!

Extending the territory

And then in January 2010 we had another sign in the heavens. My friend Mark had had a vision in November 2009, of a tsunami wave coming around Cape Point into False Bay that was sweeping across Mitchells Plain until it brings revival in Cape Town. We prayed into this and the Lord gave me that scripture in Zech 9:10, “and His dominion shall be from coast to coast, And from the river to the ends of the earth.” In January there was a heavy cloud covering the whole Table Mountain range from Signal Hill to Muizenberg. It was very unusual for that time of the year.

When Mark saw it he was in Rondebosch and was fascinated by the cloud because it came across the whole view of the mountain from North to South, and there were two levels of cloud. He felt compelled to take photographs from north to south and as he did, he saw that there was a purple trumpet pointing down from the higher cloud down to the earth, and in the photographs it was in the same physical place as he moved the camera from right to left. A bright light in a dark sky, with unseasonable weather.

When he sent the photograph to me I received another photo which was published, I believe, in the local newspaper in Mossel Bay. Someone had captured a similar happening over the Mossel Bay area and that photo is attached below. In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established…. a scriptural principle of prophetic confirmation.

And so I started to pray for Cape Town, from the False Bay Coast to the Atlantic coast and from the Salt River to Cape Point. The territory He put on my heart was for more than just the deep South Peninsula! But then the Lord had something totally new for us to experience.

The Angelic hosts of the Lord

Jacques and Karin asked us to come to their house to pray for an “open heaven” so that they could have their visitors experience the power of the Spirit. Whatever we think about this concept of an open heaven, this was our experience:

We went with Brent and Joni to Jacques and Karin’s house to pray. We started with some worship and we went into the presence of the Lord quite quickly. After a time of high worship, Holy Spirit led us to be quiet, and Jacques was on his face on the floor. When we were quiet, he looked up and said,
“I have just seen a vision. I saw a ladder like Jacob’s ladder coming into this room out of heaven, and angels were coming down, hundreds and hundreds of angels. But they were not going back up.”

I said, “The angels come down when the Lord sends them with an assignment. They only return when they have completed their assignment.”
“Jacques, the Lord has given your request even before we prayed for it. He has given you an open heaven.”

Then I began to play on the guitar with a military rhythm, and I got a spirit song which was about the Lord commissioning His angels and deploying them to different locations, duties and tasks. We carried on in worship for a short time until our hearts were released and we were sure that the Lord had said all that He wanted to tell us. Then we went home.

The next morning, (Saturday), I switched on my mobile phone at about 8:30 and saw that I had an early text message from Jacques – he said he’d seen hundreds of angels on the mountain tops around the Fish Hoek Valley.

They were lining the mountains from Chapman’s Peak to Clovelly, and from Fish Hoek to Ocean View and to Kommetjie. We didn’t understand what they had come for, but we know that they came to enforce the Word of the Lord on behalf of his people who are praying for His Kingdom to come. Since then I have had more angelic encounters in these last four years than in thirty years of ministry!

A Word of direction from the Lord

The following week I went to meet Jeff Kidwell, the Pastor of the Bay Community Church in Muizenberg. I told him the report about the angels of the Lord, and he said that two intercessors had told him that they had seen angels on Muizenberg Mountain that week! He also told me that on old friend, Janet Bran, would be ministering at the Bay the following Sunday. We decided to go to the meeting. 

When I got there we kept seats for Jacques and Karin. When they arrived, Jacques told me that he had seen about twenty angels on the roof of the building as he came in. That night the worship was amazing. It was our first time at the Bay, and it was great to experience such high worship. In the middle of it, I heard a musical sound which didn't come from the band. (Dawn and I have been musicians since our teens and have played in many worship and gospel bands.} I opened my eyes to see where the sound was coming from, and it was a sound that came from heaven. Someone had a vision of two angels going around the room pouring oil out down the walls of the room. There was a release of prophetic words in the worship and it was so uplifting to be in a place where the move of the Holy Spirit was so welcome.

That night Janet didn't recognize Dawn and me, because we hadn't seen her for twenty years, but we had often had her come to Zoe Christian Fellowship to minister. Nevertheless, she gave us a prophetic word that encouraged us and confirmed what Our Lord was about to do in our lives. 

The gist of it was that the Lord would bring us into new alliances and release; new recognition and connections. There would be lots of flying from place to place and the Lord would give me a new authority. The way that this word has unfolded in our lives is the story for another article, but how amazing it is to be walking in the favour of the Lord who has begun to restore all things that were lost!

The next step was that within a few months we joined the Bay Community Church and have served there for several years now. And we continue to pray for revival in Cape Town.

Preparing for Revival

The last two great signs in the heavens were quite a new thing.

On 14 December 2011, I was driving over the Constantiaberg Mountain pass called Ou Kaapse Weg, on my way to work. I usually travel around Chapman’s Peak to work, (the route of the Argus Cycle Tour), but somehow by mistake took the wrong road, and when I was turning onto the top of the pass I was caught in a rain storm. Then I saw it, the widest rainbow I have seen, reaching from the telecoms mast on Constantiaberg, and reaching over into the Valley over Muizenberg. As I came over the top the hard rain passed behind me, and as I looked in the mirror I saw two rainbows behind me and there was one in front of me! The Cape area is supposed to be a winter rainfall zone. Rain like this shouldn’t come in summer. But there I was, looking at three rainbows in a cloudy sky. A bright light in a dark sky, with unseasonable weather.

And since we have moved into fellowship at the Bay we can see signs of revival fire have started with exciting prospects of a wave of revival about to break out in many ways!

Our Lord has convinced me that the revival will come on two levels:

  • ·         The revival of the saints at grass roots level will bring a new baptism of the fire of His Love. This is what I experienced in Durban, a new love for My Lord, and a love for His people and for the lost, and the ongoing anointing of fire for service.
  • ·         The revival of the five-fold ministry who will be anointed with the Love of Our Father to bring His Word so that people will say – “This is the Father speaking!” And they will bear the authority of His Love.
There is evidence over these four years that more and more Christians in Cape Town are hungry for more of Jesus! The worship is reaching greater heights of intimacy and there is revelation of Jesus and the Father’s love being given to the psalmists and the ministers. Our Lord is preparing His people with sensitivity to the Spirit. The spiritual senses of God’s people are being activated and their hearts are developing a hunger for the revealed mysteries of the Word of the Lord.

This is like a bubble that is reaching its maximum size before it bursts to release the spray of new anointing over many people. It is like a tsunami wave that is being released and is on its way to cover the area. It is like a fire that will start as Holy Spirit breathes life into every hungry soul and they catch the fire of God’s love and power for this move of the Lord.

The most recent sign in the heavens

Over the last few years, My Lord has been prompting me not only to ask for the City of Cape Town to have revival, but to ask for the Nation of South Africa. It started when he said,
Why limit this to the Cape? Pray for His dominion to be from the Indian Ocean coast to the Atlantic Ocean Cost and from the Limpopo to the ends of the continent!”

As I began to ask this I waited for Him to confirm some of these things.

I had been praying for the vision of God’s heart which Habakkuk 2:14 shows us: “For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.”

Then I felt led to pray from Colossians 4: 3, 4 “that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ….. and make HIM manifest, as I ought.”

Already that has started to come to pass.

But then I was led to add this prayer for the saints to my requests, from 2 Thess 1:11, 12 “we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power,
that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you (might be glorified*) in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (* my interpretation of it!)

And I started to pray for the increased territory.

I now travel on air flights to Port Elizabeth, or Johannesburg, or to the Northern Cape from Cape Town as much as two or three times a month. This is a part-fulfillment of the word of the Lord to me through Janet.

On one of my trips on 7 November 2013, I picked up a copy of the Times Newspaper in Johannesburg and, on Page 7 I saw a photograph of the sun with a halo around it. The caption said:
“The halo around the sun phenomenon is scientifically known as a parhelion, from the Greek word meaning ‘beside the sun’.”

I have never seen this phenomenon before. But when I saw this it encouraged me to believe that the Lord wants me to continue praying for revival to flood not only the Cape Town area, but the whole of our nation. At that time I began to discover that many new churches are springing up around Johannesburg, and I particularly became aware of those in the West Rand area of Johannesburg - my old home city of Roodepoort. Several of these churches are experiencing exciting experiences of God's power and Holy Spirit's presence working with them. I believe that my prayers were simply synchronising with the prayers of many Christians praying for God to move in that city, and Our Lord is answering the call of our hearts!

This is the time – The word of the Lord came to me again and He said:

They will be taught by the Lord to bring victory and honour to people.
They will lead people from destitution to destiny.
They will raise up mighty men and women of God.
This is the time for the generation of David – whose people the Lord has been seeking for –
Who will worship him in spirit and in truth,    
Whose hearts are running after their Lord,
Men and women who have hearts wholly devoted to God,
These shall do all His will in their generation.

They shall receive abundant, overflowing grace and they shall show fresh holiness again.
They shall reign as kings under the authority of the King of Kings,
With humility, peace, justice and righteousness,        And obedience to the Most High God.
The glory of the lord Jesus Christ will be upon them,
And the dominion of His Kingdom will be made known again.

The David generation’s worship of the Lord will cause His presence to come upon the Christians’ houses.
The people of God will be so alive in their spirits that all restrictions to their spiritual senses will fade.
The ears and eyes of His people will be opened
And the mysteries of the Kingdom will be made clear to them.
The obedience of the saints will cause Christ’s dominion and power to increase in their lives.
The mighty acts of the Lord will become the mighty acts of His people
as they come to know Him better and learn to know His ways.
The churches will be the embassies of the Kingdom where the mercy and grace of the King are present,
Where the mission and ministry of His people will change the culture around them.

The Generation of David will have such a lifestyle of worship with all that they do.
Everything they do will be an act of worship, doing it as unto the Lord.
They shall worship the Lord with such devoted obedience.
They will re-establish the Tabernacle of David.
The nations will come to worship the Lord.
They will carry the presence of the King into their towns and cities.

They will manifest the dominion of the Lord as King in the earth.
They will bring in the season of peace and divine wisdom for this generation.
And the unbelievers will see the salvation of Our God and hear the Song of the King from His people again, wherever they go in the nation.
The Generation of David is arising now, in these days.

I am passionate about this because the Church of Jesus Christ is the top item on God’s agenda in heaven!

I want to be part of this, don’t you too?

Let’s join our hearts to keep praying in faith as the tsunami wave grows
and the fire of His Love flows!