Friday 4 November 2011

Fresh Revelations of Grace

I'm excited about a vision experience that Jenneth had recently and want you to know about it, so here it is:

Here is the vision I had of Supernatural Grace, it was on 17 July 2011 during the worship at the Sunday morning meeting.

I felt Jesus really speaking to me about certain theology I had picked up along the way, the theology that says it is ok to speak to Father God and to Jesus, but that you shouldn't really pray to the Holy Spirit.  I felt Jesus say, if I gave Holy Spirit to you as your Counselor & Comforter, then how are you going to manage that by not being able to chat?  It is a wonderful liberation!  So I had a vision of myself walking into ocean waves towards the Holy Spirit, a Dove-like being of Light.  Then we flew up into the sky together and he took me up into a heavenly realm.  There I walked towards a door and above the door there was a sign, Supernatural Grace.  I walked into the room and it evolved as I was there, the room transformed as I experienced it, I will describe how it looked at the end.

It was a most beautiful circular shaped room, extremely massive and high walls, lined with shelves of millions of books, in many tiers or levels reaching up to a huge skylight dome above.  There were ladders at the different levels of shelves and angels were climbing up the ladders to reach the books, or to return books.  It reminds me of the scripture, "Even angels long to look into these things." 1 Peter 1:12. In the centre of the room was a large pool with a crystal clear pure spring, ever fresh like a fountain in the centre of the pool.  There was an exquisite round stained glass window of many colours positioned high on the wall opposite the entrance, the light shone through the window throwing colours into the room.  So there was golden light from above and colours from the stained glass window in the room.   Beneath the stained glass window, there were glass doors which opened onto the Gardens of Grace.  I turned to the left and picked out a book, the title was "Grace and Peace"  I opened it and read, "Grace and Peace are Friends". I thought about the scriptures which so often say, "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ" and realised where you have grace, you have peace, where you have peace you have grace!  Then I picked out another title, The Grace of Giving (2 Corinthians 8:7).  Across the room, I picked out another, and it said, "Grace Takes Effect", I thought of the scripture, "But by the grace of God I am what I am , and his grace to me was not without effect." (1 Corinthians 15:10).  I felt there is so much to explore!  I realised that the room was filled with the keys of Grace and that every one of these millions of books was all on a different aspects of grace.  I felt that every scripture on grace would somehow be found in these books.  As I reached out and took hold of the books, there was a release of electricity, like mini-bolts of lightning in the room.  I realised that as you access Supernatural Grace, Heaven's power is released.

I walked through the pool, through the spring.  I saw that all of us need to constantly be cleansed, refreshed and renewed in the ever pure, constant flowing waters of grace, bought for us as a spring of purifying waters at the cross.  That is what I felt to be central to the pool, that it was there because of the work of the Cross.  I came out the other side and walked through the glass doors into the Gardens of Grace and there I saw my brother Paul approach me.  My brother passed away in 2002.  As Paul approached me I felt a bit wary (due to the nature of our not so great relationship while he was on earth).  I felt Jesus standing a little behind me to the right and Paul came over to my right side, leaned towards me and said, "There is no hurt here, no misunderstanding, there is no fear in relationships, no need for forgiveness."  I felt that Jesus wanted me to take this heavenly reality to earth with me, your kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.  That so often we allow misunderstandings between us, and obstacles arise between God's children that create barriers to relationship.  I felt that Jesus wants those barriers to come down so that we can flow in open communication with each other, misunderstandings can fall away and forgiveness can flow freely. 

I then walked with Jesus along a grassy avenue with a hedge to my left, which became a vineyard.  I saw that there was pruning, fresh green growth and incredible fruitfulness all on the same vine. I felt John 15, "I am the vine;  you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit;  apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5.  That was where the vision came to an end.  I had such a sense of anticipation as I knew that the vision would continue coming alive to me as I go through the scriptures of Grace.  I wrote a poem out of this vision (below).

Thanks Guys!  Looking forward to all our wonderful Jesus has in store.
Many blessings,

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