Tuesday 23 August 2011

A Prophetic Shift in Cape Town - By Fire, for God's Government and Glory

There was a Prophetic Forum held in Cape Town on 30th July 2011, where Christians who have a prayer burden for new things from God gathered together in Pinelands. Several prophetic people were asked to share significant visions or prophecies they had received for the Body of Christ in Cape Town.The gathering was moderated by a panel of experienced prophetic members and it was concluded with a session of worship and prayer for our beloved city.

The following were my personal impressions of the ministry of the prophets at the gathering:

I was impressed by the multi-facetted unity of the revelations that were opened up to us at the Prophetic Forum on Saturday last week. My impressions of the prophetic words, visions and testimonies left me with these memories and thoughts:

Judy’s word was the key note for me. The Lord started by releasing so much through her word. The key note to me was that The Lord is gathering and positioning the kindling, pouring out the oil and starting the fire so that is becomes a baptism – immersion - of fire in His house! The new unity will bridge across walls and barriers in the church and engulf young and old generations to empower and commission both the exuberance of youth and experience of years.

Rory’s word announced the imminent arrival of the King and our need for preparation.
Those who can see the signs are zealously making ready and are willing for the changes He will bring. The emergence of apostles and prophets and teachers will come with a new influence – they will come with the King’s presence and mandate upon them to confirm the Lord’s word with signs and wonders, to set in order the relationships between those who want the government of the kingdom to be manifested, and to establish a foundation of truth in this territory that has been necessary to make the saints strong in the things of the spirit.
Their coming will bring the authority of the King into the churches, the homes and the market places with His presence. There is a dimension of the Lord’s presence which the churches have known but there has been a lack of release of authority and divine action with supernatural results. But when apostles and prophets emerge there will be significant signs and wonders and new impact in the churches.

When the apostolic and prophetic teachers are released there will be strong foundations laid in the churches and in the saints to hold more of the work of Holy Spirit. The household will be built up to contain the presence of the King and to house His government. The power of the King will be released among the people again.

Jacques’ visions gave a backdrop of the events in the heavenly realm. Angelic forces have been deployed to assist the saints. A great army that came with assignments to wait on the saints and serve the purposes of God in their lives has been deployed to listen for the Word of the Lord that will be in the mouths of the saints. Angels will minister FOR those who are the heirs of salvation.

The Lord is preparing His government. Destinies are being revealed, and it is time for the prophets to hear and see and to release the words of destiny over the saints. Heavenly mandates and anointed mantles are being made ready as the saints submit to the calling and gifting of God on their lives. Many of them are called to be stewards of the mysteries of His Kingdom government, and they are now in training and testing until the time appointed for them, when Father says they are ready, and the King says “Commission them!” The Lord is preparing His government and calling the saints who will be commissioned with authority in His time, to participate in His administration of the things in the end time.

The Agenda is set down on universal principles which will establish the eminence of Christ over the church and the imminence of Christ in every saint and every house! The plan is the gathering of all saints under the authority of Christ the King, and they will take captive the fruit of the nations, the reward for the sufferings of Christ, captured by His love.

Tim’s word was significant for the practical outpouring of the spiritual energy that is to be released –
(1) by honour amongst the saints – knowing one another for the gift of Christ in us and recieving the Word of Christ through us, and the supporting work of the Holy Spirit in us; and
(2) by a new servanthood: The love that has overwhelmed our hearts will move us – we who have been set free to be sons and daughters – we will be moved in our hearts to choose to serve our Lord as bond servants and serve the saints and the churches as Stewards of the inheritance of God.

Claudia’s word “the church has left the building” reiterates the words of our Lord “Go into all the world”, and go equipped by the Holy Spirit. “I will be with you always” – confirming the word you speak, with signs and wonders. The testimonies Claudia shared are a wonderful example of that.

Tony’s word simply confirmed the shift in the heavenlies, preparing the way for us to be aligned to the Lord’s plans for us and making ready for the manifest presence of the Lord with us, in us and upon us. Where the Holy Spirit’s fire will be poured out on us and carried with us were we go.

The canopy of darkness, ignorance and unbelief will be broken and replaced by a canopy of the Lord’s presence and glory on us. And the Lord’s rule on the earth will be seen through His people again.

This will be facilitated as the Lord calls us forward into a new prophetic season.


There is an evident responsibility to steward the things that the Lord is revealing so that we move into them by prayer and obedient faith.

Please be encouraged to contend for the things Our Lord has shown us, with patience and persistence, especially for the things we agree are of common witness amongst us.

Let’s believe God for the grace to release these things in our circles of influence and to extend His reach through us until Our City of Cape Town knows that The Lord IS amongst His People!

With Love and Faith for these things to come to pass in all of our lives,
Blessings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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