Tuesday 23 August 2011

A Shift in the Heavenlies - a Word for the Saints (Received Sept 2010)

There is a shift in the heavenlies – it is the presence of the Lord that broods over His Church to transform the saints from one glory to another.

It is time for all people to see that Our Lord Almighty rules in His people.

It is time for His glory to cover His people with His presence, like the pillar of fire and the cloud of glory by day. The realm of darkness shall see the fire of His Spirit upon His people.

Satan’s canopy of spiritual death that has restricted the growth of many of God’s people is to be taken away and the canopy of God’s glory will be over your gatherings and homes.

He takes away the veil of darkness, unbelief and ignorance to establish the shining of His light upon His people. Let your eyes be focused on the Holy One, who is the Light of Life – Our Lord Jesus Christ! Look at Him, the author and perfecter of your faith.

The witnesses in heaven, the past heroes of faith, have not received the promise of fullness, even though they all died in faith. But God has prepared something better for us!

It is time for the awaited generation of the Christ, the generation of the Sons of God to arise with the light of the glory of God upon them.

We have served the purposes of God in the weakness of human effort. But it is time for the strength of His grace to be shown in our weakness. It is time for the weak to say “I am strong in the grace of the Lord!” Not in pride – but in humility and meekness. Not in self-will – but in obedience to the Spirit of Christ in us. Not in emptiness – but in the fullness of Christ as He takes us through the shift in the spirit.

It is time to learn how to feed on the living bread and to taste the good word of heavenly manna. It is time to taste of the heavenly gift – the fullness of the Spirit and to share in the power of His might and the powers of the age to come.

It is time for the glory of the Lord to be seen upon the people of God – by the manifestations of His grace.

Who will receive it? Who will accept it? Who will hear it? Who will believe it?
Those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness - those who believe His word – those who receive His promises – those who live by His Spirit - who depend on Him to be led by His Spirit – THEY shall receive it.

They shall walk into the ways of the Lord and into the works of grace He has prepared for them to do, with growing faith and maturing love.

Out of weakness He has prepared strength. It is for those who receive abundance of grace. They shall be the strong sons and daughters of the Living God. He will give them divine wisdom, greater fullness of the Spirit, strength in faith and love, with absolute devotion and obedience to their Redeemer King, who has bought them as His own.

And the world will know that the Lord God rules in His People, to dispel the darkness, ignorance and unbelief, and to reveal His glory in these days too.

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