Sunday 22 January 2012

2012 A Year for New Authority

When Timothy was first sent to Ephesus the Church was about 40,000 in number and under his ministry it soon grew to 70,000. (Church history researched by Dr Rick Renner.) Paul had commissioned him to “do the work of an evangelist.” Timothy had been sent into ministry with the laying on of hands, with prophecy that imparted spiritual gifting. Later, Paul wrote to him to “stir up the gift that is in you.” And so Timothy fulfilled his calling with authority on a different level.

When Peter first stood up on the day of Pentecost to explain Holy Spirit’s outpouring with tongues and fire, he brought relevance to Joel’s prophecy by revelation of its meaning and application. He stood and spoke with the authority of his appointment by Our Lord Jesus. On the Galilee beach Jesus’ words commissioned him to lead the flock of new Christians with fatherly and apostolic authority, which first was shown on that day of Pentecost. Peter’s primary gift was to be an evangelist to reach new souls for Christ, but he stood in an apostolic pastor’s role, unlikely as he was for that role before his baptism in the Spirit.

When Barnabus and Saul worked as part of the leadership at Antioch as recorded in Acts 11, they were working in their roles as prophets and/or teachers. As the season in the church changed and the leadership team became mature, Holy Spirit sent these two out by prophecy and they became apostles. Saul’s name changes to Paul and he emerges as the new leader with a new authority. Paul’s writings reveal that he was both a prophet and teacher in his primary gift cluster, but he operated in apostolic authority because he was sent out by the Holy Spirit and by the leadership team who stood in governmental authority in the Church at Antioch.

There is a difference between the spiritual authority brought by one’s gifting and the governmental authority by one’s commission, sphere and mandate. There is a need to receive both the spiritual authority of the gift ministries and the governmental authority of Our Lord through his appointed leaders set in the churches, and through those gift ministries they recognize with governmental authority.

What is about to emerge is the authority of apostles and prophets which will bring a new manifestation of spiritual and governmental authority in the churches at large, if they are willing to receive it. But He will surely raise up churches and groups of people as examples of His Kingdom authority and government. And since it is Our Almighty Father’s plan to “gather all things together in Christ” we can expect a new authority that will be demonstrated in many churches and groups which will be drawn into this move of Our Lord’s hand of authority.

Remember that the Messianic prophecy of Psalm 110 says that Our Lord was told by the LORD (Jehovah) to sit on the throne in heaven at His right hand until His enemies are made His footstool and, during this season, the LORD promised to send out the scepter of Messiah’s strength (authority) from Zion. (And Hebrews 12:22, 23 says we have come to Mount Zion.) In these days, Our Lord and King will send out authority from His throne through the church.

We have had messages about the need for apostolic and prophetic ministry brought to some churches and conferences over the last thirty years. Preaching about it may make us aware of the biblical truths about these ministries. What we need is revelation of truth that catches our hearts in the free-flow of ordinary life, and that lifts our expectation of the presence of Christ to manifest His authority in us so that we live on a different level – to be seated with Him in heavenly places. Remember, it is by the gift of righteousness and by abundance of grace that we can reign in life, (the Greek word is zoĆ©, the life of the eternal God.) He wants to bring us into an experience of his authority which is dispensed from His throne.

On New Year’s Eve, 2011/2012, I received three phrases from Our Lord:

“It’s about Authority”, “It’s about Fire”, and “It’s about My Love.” I sense this is a New Authority.

After the news of the ANC's intention to invoke the spirits of the dead at their Centenary Celebrations, I now realize that 2012 is a year in which we shall see amazing changes in authority, Politically and Spiritually. 12 is the biblical number for government. 2012 is the year in which Our Lord wants His Sons and Daughters to rise up with a New Authority. 

There is a new authority which can only be released by intimacy with Our Lord. It is the authority of the Bride of Christ, who draws near and knows His heart; she hears His whispers and and so knows His mind; she feels His touch so close and feels His heartbeat for the nations. The New Authority will be powered by the Love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

There will be a new experience of what it is to be raised up with Christ to be seated with Him in heavenly places; to know and experience the authority of the King, the blessings of the King, the honour and favour of the King, and the resources of the King, all flowing from our intimate relationship with Him.

There will be an outpouring of Holy Spirit's fire to fill us with the fervent love of Our father and of the Lamb; He must receive the reward for His sufferings. His love is stronger than death; His jealousy for our souls is stronger than the grave.

I'm glad that the issues have been raised so early in 2012.

I'm glad that our collective response is to dedicate South Africa to the Lord.

I have been praying from Fish Hoek that the South Peninsula should be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. I have also prayed the Psalmist's and Zechariah's prophecy that "His dominion shall be from coast to coast, and from the Silvermine River, to the ends of the earth." In later years I have prayed, "Lord, let His dominion be from False Bay Coast to Table Bay coast and from the Salt River to the end of the Peninsula."

I believe that now is the time to pray, "Lord, let your dominion be from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Limpopo River to the ends of the earth!" This is a true promise, and we can expect it to come to pass over South Africa as He has spoken it through the prophets of old.
Let His Holy Spirit fire and love be upon us as we pour out His fervent love for the lost; in prayer, in mercy for the deluded who have missed the significance of these issues, and in good works throughout the nation.

May the beauty of the Lord Our God be upon us, and may He establish the work of our hands. (Ps 90:17)

Let Our Lord's words be spoken of us again as He said through Ezekiel: 

"Your fame went out among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect through My splendour (comeliness, attractiveness)  which I had bestowed upon you," says the Lord God. (Ezek 16:14)

May we succeed in our endeavours for revival in our nation.

Check out: Wayde Taylor: End-time Baptism of holy Spirit Fire

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