Sunday 29 January 2012

Cape town Prophetic Forum January 2012

What an Awesome time yesterday with the Cape Town Prophetic Forum!

There was a theme of repentance for our past behaviour and attitudes followed by a release into new things for the prophetic people in Cape Town. It was a special time for all who were there, I'm sure.

I received the following impressions from the forum session:


Vision of the Throne.

In the Cape Town Prophetic Forum meeting on 28th January I saw the Throne of God clearly with steps all around. I heard the words, “I have given you Cape Town.” And I realised that Our Lord had opened the spiritual territory for us to occupy and take the city of Cape Town.

Then I saw the Lord offering us eye ointment – anointed by Holy Spirit – to open our eyes to see what He has done, to see what He has made us – to live and move in this realm of the spiritual territory of Cape Town. As we came to the Lord to take the ointment, the veil was removed from our faces and we could see the glory of Christ in one another.

Our eyes were opened by the ointment and we could see Our Lord for who He really is, and what He has achieved – the crucified Lamb Who is now reigning on the Throne of God! As our eyes were opened we could see ourselves for who we are in Him – redeemed ones who have been able to come into the throne-room of Almighty God!

He has made us Holy Priests to come and minister to the Father and the Son, by Holy Spirit’s help. And so we can come up the steps right onto the throne to be so close to Him that we feel His heart and know His mind.

Then as we turn to come down from the throne, we have the authority of a royal priesthood, to speak into the earth the words from the throne. As we speak them into the situations on earth where Holy Spirit is working with His presence, the Word and the Spirit ignite with creative power to change the atmosphere, to change the circumstance. We are sent to change the atmosphere and to change the circumstances.

The Lord has promised to confirm the words of His servants, He said He would create the fruit of our lips; we shall declare the decree and it shall come to pass; we shall call those things which are not as though they were. And this will happen as we receive the words of the Lord from the throne.

Vision of the New Shepherds.

The next morning on 29th January, I awoke in the early hours with another vision of the throne with thousands of people coming from all directions, walking out of a dark mist. They wore clothes from every nation, ordinary but different for every group. They walked towards the light shining from the throne and as they approached they walked closer into the light. Then nearer to the throne their clothes began to change. The earthly clothes faded and they were replaced with shining white clothes that everyone was wearing. It seemed they had been wearing these underneath their earthly clothes but now the white clothes were shining so brightly that I realised these were their spiritual clothes. So the closer they came to the throne, their spiritual clothes shone through and became brighter and brighter.

As they came around the throne, thousands of them, row by row they ascended the steps around the throne. It seemed that the steps grew larger to make room for them all – and they still kept coming – and then they seemed to penetrate into the heart of Our Almighty Father, and they disappeared for a while into Him, and so they came close to Our Lord Jesus, Who was seated on the throne right next to Our Father.

Then I saw as others came onto the top of the steps around the throne, those who had been in the heart of Our father appeared to step out of His heart and began to walk away from the throne and go down the steps again. But now they were wearing golden crowns on their heads and, as they walked down the steps, each one of them was given a golden sceptre. It seemed to me they were given authority in their minds and authority in their hands.

And as they walked away from the throne, row upon row, the bright white clothes seemed to fade and their earthly clothes appeared, but now they had a light that seemed like an aura around their whole bodies.

The crowns of gold faded but now they had a light of God’s glory around their heads and on their faces. The sceptres of gold changed to become the crooks that shepherds used to guide the sheep. Then I knew these people had been made shepherds by entering into the heart of Our Father. And their new authority was a wisdom given to them to have a shepherd’s heart to guide and guard the sheep with a new heart and a new authority. It was a new authority of wisdom from the mind of Christ and of love from the heart of Father, which they received as they came to the throne.

They had received new hearts from the Great shepherd. They had been drawn by Holy Spirit’s power to come to the throne, and He had used this to make them shepherds to the people of God after His own heart and His own mind.

A New Weight of Glory.

Then I was reminded of a clear impression I had as we had been closing the meeting in prayer at the Prophetic Forum on 28th January. My hands had been held open, palms upwards, and I felt the anointing on my hands and felt the weight of glory.

Then Holy Spirit reminded me of that night in the upper room which John writes about in John 13:3 “And Jesus, knowing that the Father had put all things into His hands, and that He had come from God, and that He was going to God, after supper He stood and took off His garment, took a towel and tied it around himself,” and He began to wash the disciples’ feet.

We can seriously take hold of this responsibility of the new anointing, follow Our Lord’s example and begin to serve one another and serve the body of Christ with Love and Wisdom, because we have been touched with Our Father’s heart for His people.

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