Saturday 25 February 2012

The Vision of God's Heart

The Prophetic Ministry has to do with the Vision that is in God's heart. It is communicated by the Now Word of God. It falls within what the Apostle Peter calls the "present truth" and the "more sure prophetic word" which he says he and the apostles had received.

It has to do with change by the Word of the Lord. It has to do with obedience to the Word, and the fulfilment of it, including the fulfilment of scripture.

New moves of God are always preceded by some prophetic move, either intercession, preaching, prophecies, visions or prophetic actions. I think it is because Prophetic people have a desire to live in the next realm God is opening up. Prophetic people have a desire to fulfil the scriptures God has sown as seeds in the eternal Church in the earth. All God has foretold about His Church in the earth will come true.

Prophetic people almost subconsciously order their lives by the Word of God; (man does not live by bread alone); they have fallen in love with the Word of the Lord; they have found that love of the truth that sets them apart for God.

Prophetic people will hear and obey Holy Spirit's call and, in this sense, God has always had His prophetic people in the different generations - even if it has been a small group of people, or one man (like Abraham, or Noah), who have been stretching forward into the new frontiers of faith.

This is the reason Prophetic people will always make an impact in the heavenlies; by prayer, by worship, by faith in God's word, by holy living, (e.g."Have you seen my servant Job?")

By the way, holiness is not to impress people in the world, nor the church. It is to identify us as "The Lord's People." Angels also take note of that; - even of a wife that honours her husband; (and a husband that loves his wife.)

Prophetic people will make an impact in the heavenlies by obedience; by living out of the anointing that dwells within them; by their prophetic timing in what they do; by speaking out God's word; ("Who has stood in the counsel of the Lord?" asks the prophet Jeremiah;) and by holding on to fulfil His word by faith.

Prophetic people go and pray until they get God's word on the matter. Once they have it, they rest in faith and persevere in faith until the circumstances change. 

The essence of the prophetic has always been to proclaim God's word to prepare the way for the Lord.
Once Prophetic people are caught up in the flow of God's Word or Holy Spirit's moving presence, a divine chemistry is released.  In such a flow, encounters with God are inevitable, even for people who are on the fringes of it. But Prophetic people who are caught up in it are not there for themselves or for self-gratification; they have a purpose - to be catalysts for the Body and Bride of Christ to be brought into perfection through intimacy with Our Lord.

In such a flow, what contributes to the transfer or impartation of the anointing to others? It will be by the right word spoken at the right time. There are two extremes in this: Firstly, it can sound like "I have a Word -  Now!"  Or "I'm so timid, I've got to wait on the Lord - forever; and for confirmation after confirmation, before I'll share it!" There are times Our Lord wants us to wait on Him. No doubt about that. But there is a significant release in the spirit when a well-timed prophetic word comes with a prophetic anointing at a prophetic moment. It releases more anointing.

The Lord has stated two powerful principles that make Prophetic people so essential and necessary for the coming revival; firstly, "Surely the Lord will do nothing, unless He first reveals His secrets to His servants the Prophets." (Amos 3:7), and secondly, "The secret things belong to God, but those things which have been revealed belong to us and to our children, forever..." (Deut 29:29).

That makes it very important that we spend time seeking the counsel of the Lord,  "For who has stood in the counsel of the LORD, that he should perceive and hear his word? Who has marked my word, and heard it?" (Jer 23:18) He will take us into the strategy rooms of heaven to hear from the throne what are Our Lord's decrees for this time.

The Vision of the Lord's heart is that the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. That glory was made known first through our Lord Jesus Christ; and now it is time for the Church to make it known. It is time for the Image of Christ to be restored on the earth. That which Adam's race lost for all humanity has been restored to humanity by the Living Word taking on the form of humanity. The Glory of the image of Christ will be restored through the redeemed saints as His Word and His Spirit are manifested again - in us.

It is time for the Prophetic people to be developed in their hearing and seeing, so that the seven spirits of God from around the throne, that were manifested in Our Lord Jesus on the earth, should be manifested in His Church to show His Kingdom government is increasing, on the earth, facilitated by His Prophetic people.

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