Saturday 25 February 2012


During the worship on Sunday morning 5th February 2012, at the Bay Community Church in Muizenberg, I had two visions that merged as one.

I felt the impact of Our Lord's presence like rain before the band started singing about rain. Then I saw the rain was coming from a waterfall. I have seen this waterfall in the spirit many times, but this time it was so full that the water spray was coming from the top  lip of the fall AND it was a spray rising up from the impact in the pool at the bottom because it was such a volume of water pouring over the waterfall.

I remember that Judy had spoken about a rain rising up over the mountains to raise the water table in our area so the estuary would be full.

I felt the sight of the waterfall showed that we were coming close to the source of outpouring of the rain of the Holy Spirit - "He shall come down like rain" says the prophet in scripture. Then I remembered the words of Jesus, "He who comes to me, out of His innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." And as soon as I heard that I was lifted up higher and higher, to see over the top lip of the waterfall where the river was flowing to it and I recognised it as the river of life which flows from the throne of God.

As I was looking at the river pouring down over the waterfall, I saw the people around me had their heads lifted up and their mouths open to delight in the rain of the Spirit. And I knew that we simply had to learn to drink Him in to receive this flow of the river of life, coming down on us like rain. But the closer we came to the source in worship, we could stand under the outpouring waterfall to be drenched on the outside and filled on the inside, so that the rivers of life would flow from us into the estuary around us.

Then as I watched I saw a second vision of a tall angel, standing next to the waterfall, looking down at us as we were worshipping. He had a large ladle that he was dipping into a large bowl full of hot oil. He was looking from the bowl of oil to the crowd of people and he was reaching down with the ladle to pour fresh new anointing oil onto the heads of the people. He seemed to be choosing those who were drinking in deeply from the outpouring rain, more than others around them.

Then I heard the words "New Ambassadors. New anointings for New Ambassadors for the Kingdom!"

Then the vision ended.

I feel that I missed the timing in the meeting to tell the vision. But I pray that we will have the opportunity still to receive the message of the vision and the power of new anointings to be New Ambassadors for the Kingdom.

With Love and Faith for you, Tony

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